3rd Party Fundraising Policy

This policy has been developed to govern how 3rd party organizations come to ICN for fundraising and how they collect funds..

Fill in the Non-Profit Org form in our website by selecting from the homepage “Request ICN Facility” 

  1. Once your request is approved, you will receive an official email from ICN’s Admin or Board member

    • Please show up prior to the allocated time and in the designated location only

  2. Bring your own credit card machines, receipts, flyers, banners and volunteers

  3. Cash collection: 

    • At least one member of ICN and one member of the fundraising organization should count all cash collected together at the same time

    • All cash collected needs to be handed over to an ICN designated member who in turn will issue a written official receipt to the fundraising organization to document the amount 

    • ICN shall issue a cheque equal to the amount of cash collected and received by ICN within 15 calendar days

  4. The visiting organization is fully responsible to remove all brought items from ICN’s property and ensure all areas used are cleaned 

  5. The visiting organization is fully responsible to follow ICN’s rules & regulations while on ICN’s property

  6. ICN is not responsible for any loss or damage of property belonging to the visiting organization

  7. The visiting organization agrees to respect all of ICN’s congregants & donors regardless of their donation size or lack of

  8. For any needed help onsite, the visiting organization member(s) will only reach out to the designated ICN contact for support