ICN Academics

  • Our plan is to provide students and tutors a classroom like atmosphere with proper seating, whiteboards and dry erase markers. We will try to schedule an hour of tutoring per session per student so that we can accommodate everyone; however if you need more time, please let your tutor know In sha Allah.

    We conduct all of our tutoring sessions, workshops, and peer-to-peer programs at the ICN Ogden Masjid (2844 W. Ogden Ave. in Naperville). Please contact academics@icnmasjid.org if you have any questions.

  • FREE tutoring for students from 4th grade to seniors in high school in sciences, mathematics, computers, projects, speeches, you name it!

    Time: 5 PM – 9 PM CST

    Location: ICN Ogden

    Subjects: Science, Math, Computers, Projects, Speeches

    Volunteer Tutors: Click HERE to sign up for Volunteering

    Students: Click HERE to register and select your tutor

  • Peer-to-Peer sessions are where we recognize students who have in the past or are currently going above and beyond and shining in their studies. We invite those students to come share their experiences with their younger peers.

  • Academic Achievers is where we recognize students who have excelled  academically (Perfect SAT, Perfect ACT, US president Scholarship etc.). If you know of such students in the academic year 2023 – 2024, click HERE and fill the form to complete nomination.

  • By choosing to participate in this program you agree to the following:

    • ICN Tutoring program will NOT do ANY background checks / reference checks / screening / interview in any way for any volunteers involved in this service

    • ICN Tutoring program will NOT certify, confirm or validate any of the information regarding any persons involved in this service

    • ICN Tutoring program will NOT be responsible for ANY loss, claims, injury or disputes of any kind that occur during and/or after the interaction between the student and the tutor

    Parents are strongly encouraged to participate in these sessions or at least be present in the Masjid during these sessions.

Current Events

  • Free Tutoring at ICN for Middle & High School students

    FREE tutoring for Middle & High School in sciences, mathematics, computers, projects, speeches, you name it!

    Students: click HERE to register and select your tutor. Click HERE to view a list of available tutors and their timings.

    Questions or unable to get a tutor? Reach out to icnacademics@icnmasjid.org

  • Volunteer Tutors Needed

    To help students excel in academics by putting your expertise to good use.
    Please spare some time to become a volunteer tutor
    Straight A graders in high school / college students are highly encouraged to participate and make a difference
    Please sign up @ icnmasjid.org/tutoring